With experiences in the marketplaces of Oil and Gas/Energy, Manufacturing, Design & Construction, Education, Healthcare, Retail/Music, Financial, Ministry and Government, all of the consulting services developed and provided by the Schwandner Creativity CenterSM deliver on our Mission...Focused on industries of strategic importance, such as Oil and Gas/Energy, we help organizations succeed through what they need the most – Creativity applied to key aspects of business growth.

To help accomplish this Mission and with an emphasis on serving executives and managers, the consulting services highlighted below were created to add value to the lives and organizations of these people. The names of these services have two parts. The first part is the brand that helps communicate a benefit or an expectation (e.g., Seeideas…to help ideas become a reality and successful) and the second part is the category of the service (e.g., Innovation Planning).

Our consulting support begins with intentional listening (essential to creativity), which helps us develop an understanding of the requirements of executives who are interested in having these services make a difference in their organizations. In addition, these services are flexible enough to adapt and contribute to the unique situations faced by various organizations. They can be purchased individually or as an integrated package.

Steve Schwandner, President


Customer research uncovers the opportunity for competitive advantage, when there appears to be none.

Customer research is the beginning and directions for a successful product development journey.

Customer research energizes and directly influences productive team decision-making.